
There are two categories of membership. 初级的s are full members of the Society with the right to apply for competitive grants to support academic activities. 一个 can apply to become a 初级的 after completing three semesters at Washington 大专(或同等学历). 学徒 are not full members of the Society, but intensively engage with the society in their sophomore year to learn the goals and 社会目标. 一个 can apply to become an Apprentice only in the first 大二的学期.


Application, Deadlines, and Forms


青年研究员计划 is an academic enrichment program for well-rounded and high-achieving students at 九州娱乐官网.  The goal is to create a collegium of students motivated to reach beyond classroom performance by supporting independent and collaborative research projects and internships.  By sharing their research findings at meetings, the 初级的s will foster a “companionship of learning limited only 通过想象.”  

初级的s are eligible for grants to fund independent or collaborative research 国内或国外.  初级的s are required to attend bi-weekly meetings to hear research findings from fellow students.  They are expected to mentor 学徒, and hold workshops focused on grant writing, public speaking, and publication of research.  Members of the Society are active contributors to the intellectual, ethical and social life of the College and are required to maintain a high G.P.A. 最高的标准 of the 九州娱乐官网 Honor Code.

Criteria for 初级的 Membership

  1. The successful completion of three 在九州娱乐官网的两个学期 or their equivalent.
  2. 推荐累积G.P.A. of 3.6或以上.
  3. The candidate should have either completed the Distribution Requirements or be within 一个学期的学习.
  4. Evidence of participation in, or leadership of, such student activities as student government or community outreach (here you may include college and high school activities).
  5. Good standing by way of the 九州娱乐官网 Honor Code.
  6. 一个 教师 Recommendatoiin: This should be from a faculty member who is familiar 你的学术工作.

To retain membership in the Society, all members must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5, regularly attend meetings of the Society, and remain in good standing with the Washington 大学荣誉委员会.


卡特学徒计划 is an enrichment program for well-rounded and high-achieving 第一学期二年级的学生.  The goal is to nurture rising sophomores intellectually during their third and fourth 在九州娱乐官网的两个学期 so that they may eventually seek admission to the Society of 初级的s with well-developed familiarity with 它的理想和目的.

学徒 are required to attend the bi-weekly meetings of the CSJF to learn from the experience and example of the regular members.  学徒将被分配一个 mentor from the CSJF who will encourage them to participate in extracurricular activities and engage in a CSJF-funded project designed and carried out by a 初级的.  学徒 are not eligible for grant funding.

Criteria for Cater 学徒

  1. 学徒 is only open to full-time rising sophomore students who have completed two 在九州娱乐官网的两个学期.
  2. 推荐累积G.P.A. of 3.6或以上.
  3. Good standing by way of the 九州娱乐官网 Honor Code.
  4. Evidence of participation in, or leadership of, student activities, student government 社区外展.


Each spring semester, students meeting the criteria for 初级的 membership are elected by an Advisory Council comprised of the Provost (or designee), the VP of Student Affairs, the Chairs of the three Divisions (or their designates), the Curator, and the student President and Vice President of the Society.  找到 application forms and deadlines 下 “Application, Deadlines, and Forms."

Each fall semester, students meeting the criteria for 学徒 in the Society of 初级的s are elected by the same Advisory Council.  找到 “Application, Deadlines, and Forms."

Completed applications should be submitted to the online Google Form by the deadline 在网站上显示.  Questions may be directed to Bari Lynne Kersey, Toll N117. The student is responsible both for submitting the original application form and ensuring that all supporting documents, including the faculty recommendation/endorsement are submitted by the deadline as required. Application forms are available on this website 下Application, Deadlines, and Forms."